姓名 黄宝钿
职称 教授
研究领域 科学教育
学术专长 研究兴趣
  • 科学概念之诊断与教学策略
  • 认知发展与科学教育
  • 科学师资培育: 科学教师之专业能力及学科能力
  1. Hwang, B. T. & Chiu, S. C. (2004, June). The Effect of a Computer Instructional Model in Bringing about a Conceptual Change in Students’Understanding of Particulate Concepts of Gas. Proceedings of the 2004 Informing Science and Information technology education Joint Conference (InSITE 2004). Rockham- pton, QLD, Australia.
  2. Hwang, B. T. (2001, July). An alternative evaluation with miniaturized apparatus in facilitating particulate concept acquisitions. Proceedings of CONASTA 50th (The 50th Conference of the Australian Science Teachers’ Association): Enriching Science Education – a golden opportunity. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  3. Hwang, B. T. (2000, August). Students’ understandings and misconceptions of particulate natures in gaseous phase and their science achievement. In PHYTEB (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000. Barcelona, Spain: CALIDOS.
  4. Hwang, B. T. (2000). Investigating the influence of teaching on cognitive development of volume conservation in grade 4-6. In Renata Sulcova (Ed.), International Organization for Science and Technology Education: Science and technology education in new millennium (pp. 127-134). Prague, Czech Republic: PERES Publishers.
  5. 黄宝钿。1999。以另类评量工具探讨学生的热量相关概念。中国测验学会:新世纪测验学术发展趋势。台北,心理出版社。
  6. Hwang, B. T. (1999). Transferring research findings into practice: Students‘ prior knowledge and conceptual change of heat and temperature: A cognitive view. In O. de Jong, K. Kortland, A. Jan Waarlo, & J.Buddingh'' (Eds.), Bridging the gap between theory and practice: What research says to the science teacher (pp.127-139). Hatfield, Herts, UK: ICASE.
  7. 黄宝钿、林清基。民87年7月。 国小学童能量概念诊断工具的编制与应用。中国测验学会测验年刊, 45 辑,第二期。89-108页。
  8. Hwang, B. T. (1996). Using different methods to explore the students'' conception of temperature, heat and energy. Proceedings of ICASE (The International Council of Associations for Science Education): Research Seminar on Chemistry and Physics Education, Dortmund, Germany.
  9. 黄宝钿、刘霭雯。民84年6月。利用预习试教活动增进职前化学教师教学能力与自我评鑑能力之研究。师大学报, 40 期, 365-400 页。
  10. Hwang, B. T. (1995, April 22-25). Student''''s conceptual representations of gas volume in relation to particulate model of matter. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 387-325)
  11. Hwang, B. T., & Liu, Y. S. (1994, March 26-29). A study of proportional reasoning and self- regulation instruction on students'' conceptual change in conceptions of solution. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 368-574)
  12. 黄宝钿。民83年 1月。以示范实验法探究学生的比例推理能力。 中国测验学会测验年刊, 41 辑, 207-220 页。
  13. 黄宝钿。民82年8月。温度与热概念的研究对自然科教学的启示。杜祖贻: 西方社会科学理论的移植与应用。西方社会科学理论的移植与应用合作研究会议论文汇编。香港中文大学社会科学及教育理论应用研究计划出版。
  14. Huang, Hsiang-wu, & Hwang, Bao-tyan. (1992). Students'' conceptual developments on shadow formation and their relations to formal and concrete operation stages. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, Part D. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ. 2(1), 27-38.


    1. Hwang, B. T. & Chiu, S. C. (2004, June). The Effect of a Computer Instructional Model in Bringing about a Conceptual Change in Students’Understanding of Particulate Concepts of Gas. Proceedings of the 2004 Informing Science and Information technology education Joint Conference (InSITE 2004). Rockham- pton, QLD, Australia.
    2. Hwang, B. T. (2001, July). An alternative evaluation with miniaturized apparatus in facilitating particulate concept acquisitions. Proceedings of CONASTA 50th (The 50th Conference of the Australian Science Teachers’ Association): Enriching Science Education – a golden opportunity. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
    3. Hwang, B. T. (2000, August). Students’ understandings and misconceptions of particulate natures in gaseous phase and their science achievement. In PHYTEB (Ed.), Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000. Barcelona, Spain: CALIDOS.
    4. Hwang, B. T. (2000). Investigating the influence of teaching on cognitive development of volume conservation in grade 4-6. In Renata Sulcova (Ed.), International Organization for Science and Technology Education: Science and technology education in new millennium (pp. 127-134). Prague, Czech Republic: PERES Publishers.
    5. 黄宝钿。1999。以另类评量工具探讨学生的热量相关概念。中国测验学会:新世纪测验学术发展趋势。台北,心理出版社。
    6. Hwang, B. T. (1999). Transferring research findings into practice: Students‘ prior knowledge and conceptual change of heat and temperature: A cognitive view. In O. de Jong, K. Kortland, A. Jan Waarlo, & J.Buddingh'' (Eds.), Bridging the gap between theory and practice: What research says to the science teacher (pp.127-139). Hatfield, Herts, UK: ICASE.
    7. 黄宝钿、林清基。民87年7月。 国小学童能量概念诊断工具的编制与应用。中国测验学会测验年刊, 45 辑,第二期。89-108页。
    8. Hwang, B. T. (1996). Using different methods to explore the students'' conception of temperature, heat and energy. Proceedings of ICASE (The International Council of Associations for Science Education): Research Seminar on Chemistry and Physics Education, Dortmund, Germany.
    9. 黄宝钿、刘霭雯。民84年6月。利用预习试教活动增进职前化学教师教学能力与自我评鑑能力之研究。师大学报, 40 期, 365-400 页。
    10. Hwang, B. T. (1995, April 22-25). Student''''s conceptual representations of gas volume in relation to particulate model of matter. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 387-325)
    11. Hwang, B. T., & Liu, Y. S. (1994, March 26-29). A study of proportional reasoning and self- regulation instruction on students'' conceptual change in conceptions of solution. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 368-574)
    12. 黄宝钿。民83年 1月。以示范实验法探究学生的比例推理能力。 中国测验学会测验年刊, 41 辑, 207-220 页。
    13. 黄宝钿。民82年8月。温度与热概念的研究对自然科教学的启示。杜祖贻: 西方社会科学理论的移植与应用。西方社会科学理论的移植与应用合作研究会议论文汇编。香港中文大学社会科学及教育理论应用研究计划出版。
    14. Huang, Hsiang-wu, & Hwang, Bao-tyan. (1992). Students'' conceptual developments on shadow formation and their relations to formal and concrete operation stages. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, Part D. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ. 2(1), 27-38.
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
台湾 国立台湾师范大学 化学系 理学士 1961.09 ~ 1965.06
美国 范德堡大学 硕士
美国 美国范德堡大学 博士候选人
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
国立编译馆 国中理化及选修理化教科书编审委员 1997.01 ~ 2003.01
国科会 研究汇刊科学教育编审委员 1996.01 ~ 1998.01
英国伦敦大学 国王学院 访问学者 1996.01 ~ 1996.01
国立台湾师范大学 化学系 教授 1989.08 ~ 2004.01
国立台湾师范大学 化学系 副教授 0000.01 ~ 迄今
国立台湾师范大学 化学系 讲师 0000.01 ~ 迄今
国立台湾师范大学 化学系 助教 0000.01 ~ 迄今
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校外荣誉 2000 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1999 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1998 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1997 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1996 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1995 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1994 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1993 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1992 国科会甲等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1991 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1990 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1989 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1988 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会
校外荣誉 1987 国科会研究奖助优等奖 国科会