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Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at the Kungham campus of National Taiwan Normal University. Our department was founded in 1962, and offers unsurpassed opportunities for world-class research across a broad range of chemical fields. With over twenty five faculty members, we have a reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. We also cooperate closely with Academia Sinica and other research institutes, reflecting strong interdisciplinary aspect of our department. As an indication of recent growth and research success within the department, we are now listed as one of the top 10 departments of chemistry in the nation. Our department offers training opportunities both in traditional areas of chemistry, including organic synthesis, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical education, biochemistry and analytical chemistry, as well areas of interdisciplinary research, such as material sciences, medical chemistry and energy research. The Ph.D. program in Chemistry at National Taiwan Normal University aims to equip a new generation of scientists with the skills needed to assume positions of leadership in research and teaching. In addition to our strength in the traditional sub-fields of chemistry, we have a long history of training teachers for high schools at the interface of chemistry and other disciplines. Research in the Chemistry Department is supplemented with an active seminar program and symposia. Further discussions of current research take place via our student seminar series and annual Chemistry Research week. Most students have the opportunity to attend national and international scientific meetings. The department prizes excellence in teaching by both its faculty and graduate students. Students who have excelled in teaching and research are honored at the department’s yearly awards ceremony.

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